
Why Are Atheists So Angry

Why are atheists so angry? This is a common question religious people ask about people who don't believe in god. Implicit in this question is that atheists have no reason to be angry because religions never do anything to bother non-believers. Religion has been such a dominant force in society that religious people often have no comprehension of what it's like to be in the non-dominant group. Here are some of the things religions do that make atheists uncomfortable and even angry: Some religions say that anyone who doesn't believe in their doctrines will burn eternally. Some religions actively tell their followers that atheists aren't to be trusted. Some religions say that atheists are immoral and depraved. Some religions are set up to indoctrinate and retain as many followers as possible, it's a threat to their very existence if people don't believe in their god; they have a lot to lose, so they try to discredit non-believers. Some religions don't h...

What Is Atheism

There's a lot of confusion over what is atheism so let's put this all to rest with a simple definition. Atheism = The absence of belief in a god or gods. Did you notice how there's no complicated talk about morals, values, lifestyle, dogma, or doctrine? That's because atheism is simply the lack of belief in god or gods. There's nothing else to it. It doesn't make you a better or worse person than anyone else, you're just a bloke who doesn't believe all the claims about gods.

It's Okay to Be an Atheist

In spite of what most religions and religious people might say, it's okay to be an atheist. There's absolutely nothing wrong with not believing in a god or gods. Then why is there a stigma against atheists? In an ideal world, it would be normal not to believe in a god. We would learn about the universe through science, use our brains to make decisions, value life here on Earth, and we'd all let each other do our thing. Unfortunately, organized religions have control much of the social narrative because they have a lot to lose if people don't believe in what they profess. Religions have self-appointed themselves exclusive distributors of comfort about death and moral righteousness. They've convinced millions, if not billions, of people that someone who doesn't believe in god has no way of dealing with death or morality. Atheists scare religious people because we remind them of the finality of death. They wonder deep inside whether death really is the end ...

Why Is There So Much Misinformation about Atheism?

Why is there so much misinformation about atheism? Because there are powerful religions that don't like the idea that there are people who don't believe in their doctrines and who can't be controlled by them. Religions are set up to control their followers and tell them what to believe. It's been going on like that since religions were developed. You have to believe in the religions teachings and god or gods or something bad will happen. Atheists don't believe in all of that. They believe there are no gods. So, naturally religious people or people who have a vested interested in a particular religion, especially people who make money from it, are threatened by someone who might topple their house of cards. There's a lot of misinformation about atheists and atheism because there are powerful people and organizations who stand to lose. That's all there is to it.

Atheist Meaning

A lot of people, especially people who practice a religion, have a vested interest in making sure other people don't know what being an atheist is. So, here's a the meaning of being an atheist: An atheist is a person who doesn't believe in a god or gods. The meaning of being an atheist is just that you're a person who doesn't believe when people say there is a god. That's it! There's nothing else to it. No complicated explanations about theory, doctrine, dogma, or propaganda, just a person who doesn't believe in god.