Why Are Atheists So Angry

Why are atheists so angry? This is a common question religious people ask about people who don't believe in god. Implicit in this question is that atheists have no reason to be angry because religions never do anything to bother non-believers.

Religion has been such a dominant force in society that religious people often have no comprehension of what it's like to be in the non-dominant group. Here are some of the things religions do that make atheists uncomfortable and even angry:
  • Some religions say that anyone who doesn't believe in their doctrines will burn eternally.
  • Some religions actively tell their followers that atheists aren't to be trusted.
  • Some religions say that atheists are immoral and depraved.
  • Some religions are set up to indoctrinate and retain as many followers as possible, it's a threat to their very existence if people don't believe in their god; they have a lot to lose, so they try to discredit non-believers.
  • Some religions don't have a great track record of tolerating people who aren't like them.
  • Some religions see themselves as "the chosen ones." and behave condescendingly and even violently toward people who don't share their beliefs.
  • Some religions are constantly trying to convert atheists.
  • Atheists have no power in society and religions still claims to be the victim of evil atheists who talk about horrible things like humanism, science, and critical thinking.
  • Some religions actively battle anyone who doesn't believe in what they do.
  • Some religious people have been used to being on top for so long that they feel threatened when someone doesn't agree with them or just wants to be treated equally.
  • Some religious people ask condescending questions like, "Why are you so angry," while they're trying to force their beliefs on an atheist.
So, for any religious people reading, what would you feel like if there was a group of people who was doing these things to you. That's how atheists feel. Atheists are real human beings, and sometimes they get angry. Mostly, we just wish religious people would stop being so weird about us not believing.


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