Atheism – What Everyone Needs to Know

There's a lot of confusion about atheism out there so here's what everyone needs to know to understand it. First, a definition: Atheism is the lack of belief in a god or gods. Now that you know what atheism is, here are some things you might find interesting:

  • Atheism is not a religion.
  • Atheism has no belief system.
  • Atheism doesn't try to convert people.
  • Atheists are people from all walks of life in all countries.
  • You can find the definition of atheism in any dictionary.
  • Atheists aren't a cult or organization.
  • Atheists have no church.
  • Atheists tend to value reason and critical thinking.
  • Many atheists are former believers or grew up in religious households.
  • Atheists tend to value scientific inquiry.
  • Atheists tend to be skeptics.
  • Atheists don't believe in a god or gods because of lack of impartial verifiable evidence.
  • Many atheists have to go underground because there is so much prejudice and lack of information about what atheism really is.
  • Religions tend to be afraid of atheists because they threaten the racket they've built up over centuries.
  • Atheists want to live happy lives just like you.
  • Most religious people are atheists toward other gods that aren't their own. For example: Christians don't believe in Zeus, that makes them atheist toward Zeus.
Now you know a little more about atheism and atheists. It's not very complicated: Atheists are just people who don't believe in god or gods. That's all there is to it.


  1. I think most of those characterizations of an atheist are wrong, but I know that if I tried to challenge them that I would receive no hearing. Atheists are the most closed-minded people I have ever met. They think that if their atheism is questioned, it will only be by an idiot.


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