Are Atheists Smarter Than Believers?

Are atheists smarter than believers? We wonder if this is even a question that matters at all. As atheists, we're only concerned with getting to the truth. We follow the evidence where it goes and value the ability of human beings to think critically. We try to use our brains to help people and make the world better.

There have been a few studies trying to determine whether atheists are smarter than religious people but we're not that interested in them, although the studies seem to show atheists may be smarter. Our concern is that the "us vs. them" argument is always about making someone lose. Why do that at all? Why can't we just celebrate the idea that human beings have an amazing capability to explore the world around them and keep learning new things. Why limit our thinking because of a religion? Why be afraid of new ideas? 

What we can say is that the atheists we know tend to be skeptics. They question claims and like to explore the universe. They don't rely on a supernatural being to tell them what to think. Our atheist friends see no benefit in belonging to a religious system that wants to control them, make money off them, and tells them bad things will happen if they're not followers. What kind of way to live is that? Why not be happy and explore the universe instead of limiting oneself?


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