Are You Thinking about Becoming an Atheist?

Are you thinking about being an atheist? Quite a few of us come from religious backgrounds and it's not always easy to let everyone know you're an atheist. Here are some things to keep in mind:

  • You might lose contact with family members, especially those who are completely enmeshed in religion.
  • No person's negative reaction is a reflection on who you are as a human being. Just because you don't believe in a god, doesn't mean there's anything wrong with you.
  • Remember that religion gets in people's heads and convinces them that leaving the religion is some kind of sin. They'll want to label you as such, but you're just you.
  • People worry they'll go to hell if they leave. We recommend going to therapy to unravel all the myths placed there by religion and address fears about mortality.
  • By moving away from religion you get to be the person you really are and follow your dreams.
  • Be conscious that even the people closest to you might have difficulty with this. Assure them you love them and that you're just following your own voice.
  • Avoid arguments and battles. You're not going to change minds. 
  • Be open to discussing your atheism if anyone asks.
  • Reach out to atheist support groups in your area or online. Spend time with like-minded people who appreciate your religion-free self.
If you're thinking about being an atheist, there's nothing wrong with. You're just a person who just happens to not believe in a god. Now you can live the rest of your life without the constraints religion put on you.


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