Atheist Beliefs and Practices

There are no uniform atheist beliefs and practices because atheism is just the lack of belief in god or gods. People have been misled into thinking atheism is a religion or an organized group when it's not at all. This misinformation has been disseminated and perpetuated by religions because they only seem to be able to view the world from an "us vs. them" perspective, which makes it necessary for them to label and classify their "opponents". Thus, atheism is labeled some kind of rival religion with beliefs and practices when it really has none.

There are no universal atheist beliefs and practices because atheism isn't a church or religion, it's just the lack of belief in god or gods. Look up the word in a dictionary sometime. No matter how many times we try to explain this to religious people, they just don't seem to get the concept that we're just people who don't believe in god.

Atheists aren't a single unified group. We each follow our own individual beliefs and practices. In our particular blogging group we tend to believe in treating people with kindness, building a better world for our children, helping the less fortunate, valuing education, and continuously learning about the world around us. But that's just us. Other atheists might believe different things because we're all individuals and we all have different ways of seeing the world.


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