Atheists Don't Believe in God Because There's No Proof

Atheists don't believe in god because there's no proof. This statement really bothers religious people, whose entire sense of self and meaning is wrapped up in their faith, but it's just a statement of fact. Religions have never been able to prove the existence of god. Think about it, here's the type of proof they offer:

It's Written in a Book

It's written in a book, that was written by people who were trying to convince others that there stories were true without any evidence. It's like if we said, "Jane told us that her great grandmother 100 times removed met a guy who talked to another guy who said a group of people saw a fluorescent space cabbage, and it was god. The story is written down in this book, so it must be true." Notice how there is no evidence provided whatsoever.

You Have to Have Faith

When atheists ask for observable, measurable, tangible, verifiable proof of a god the answer is often, "Well, you have to have faith." There is absolutely nothing you can't believe in on faith, including the fluorescent space cabbage. We could literally say, "Well, of course the fluorescent space cabbage exists, you just have to have faith like us." Unfortunately, faith is an unreliable way to prove that anything exists. It's literally believing something with no evidence.

I Have This Complex Argument for the Existence of God

Religious people have gone to great lengths to craft intelligent-sounding arguments for the existence of god. The problem is none of them prove the existence of god because we can never see, touch, feel, measure, or study this god creature. If we came up with a complex argument for the fluorescent space cabbage, it still wouldn't exist.

Well How Do You Explain Everything around Us? Somebody Created It

Just because there are all kinds of things in this world doesn't mean they were created by some god. In fact, all the evidence we have seems to point to natural causes. It just happened because that's how nature works. Besides, would religious people believe us if we said the fluorescent space cabbage created everything around us. Of course not. But they think when they do it it's valid.

What If You're Wrong?

This type of argument is an attempt to scare non-believers, as in: You'll go to hell if you don't believe. If atheists are wrong then they're wrong, but it's highly unlikely because there is zero verifiable evidence of god or of any afterlife of any kind. If believers are wrong, they've wasted their entire lives believing in something that doesn't exist. Guess which side has a larger stake in being right? Besides, which religion are we wrong about? There are literally hundreds. And what if it turns out a believer's religion isn't the right one?

The only way to prove god exists is to do it the way we prove absolutely everything else: Using science. Science is the single most reliable way to prove the existence of anything. Human beings have discovered all kinds of wonderful things using science. The day there is a reputable body of scientific knowledge that suggests there is actually a god or gods, then atheists will believe in gods. Until then, there's no verifiable proof.


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