How to Tell If You're an Athest

How to tell if you're an atheist? Ask yourself whether you believe in god. If you don't, you're an atheist, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with it. Religions have spent a lot of energy to convince people like you that something bad will happen if you don't believe in a particular god, or that you're a horrible person if you don't believe, but you're not. You're just a person who doesn't believe in a particular god. Besides, what kind of group teaches this kind of scary stuff?

Most religious people don't believe in other religions' gods, that makes them atheists about those gods. When you're an atheist, you're not any different than anyone else. You're actually able to discover who you really are and live life free from other people telling you what to do. You can make your own decisions and follow your dreams without a supernatural creature telling you what to do. You can follow your own voice. You get to be the great person you are, without the religion part.


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