Questions Atheists Have for Religious People

As atheists who are continuous learners, we are constantly trying to expand our understanding of religion and its followers. We value critical thinking and discovering the truth, so here are some questions we have for religious people:

  • What measurable, verifiable, scientific evidence do you have for the proof of god?
  • Other than a god, what other things do you believe in on faith?
  • In what ways would you still be a moral person if a god was not watching you?
  • What are the reasons you rely on science for most of your choices in life but not when dealing with god?
  • What are the reasons you can believe in something as extraordinary as a god with no measurable, verifiable evidence? What other decisions do you make in life without evidence?
  • What is it about you as a person that needs a god?
  • What do you say about believing in a religion where you would have to hate your own child if he/she did not want to be religious like you?
  • In what ways do your personal views differ from your religion?
  • What do you say about intolerance and bigotry perpetrated in the name of god? In what ways do you speak out against it?
  • What are the reasons you don't believe in other gods but do believe in your god? What are the reasons one god is more real or valid than another?
  • What are the good things your religions does that could not be done without god? What good things do you do without god?
  • What do you really think about people who don't believe in your religion? 
  • What effects do your beliefs have on non-believers?
  • What would you improve about your religion?
  • What are your thoughts on having your religious beliefs questioned?
We invite religious people to answer these questions. We're doing this as a way to increase our understanding of religion even if we don't personally believe.


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