Special Pleading for the Existence of a God

Special pleading for the existence of a god is a common argument religious people employ when atheists ask for proof of the existence of god. It goes something like this:

Question from Atheist
Without using a holy book, references to the supernatural, or personal experience, how do you prove the existence of god?

Common Answer from Religious Person
You can't use the scientific method to prove the existence of god, he's beyond human understanding, beyond science, beyond everything, you just have to have faith.

Please note the religious person does not provide any proof of god, just an argument about how the rules don't apply to their god. What atheists find nonsensical is that religious people rely on scientific evidence to make most of the decisions in their lives, from the weather to medical care to the houses and cars they buy, but in the case of god, verifiable evidence doesn't apply. Why is it that we need to make an exception for god but not for everything else? Why not just prove the god exists using the same methodology that proves everything else? It's because there is no verifiable proof of god, so religious people have to pretend there is some other realm of existence beyond the natural world that no one can observe or measure and that only applies to their god.

The irony is that religious people often don't believe in other gods and would require a believer from another faith to prove the existence of their god much like an atheist might.


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