Stories of Atheists Turned Believers

Religious people sometimes use stories about atheists turned believers to prove there is a god. All it really proves is that a person decided to believe in god. It has no effect on atheism.

Atheism is simply the lack of belief in god or gods. There's nothing else to it. Nothing scary or horrible. Nothing weird. It just means a person doesn't believe in the existence of god. Religions have a vested interest in keeping people as believers in god, so they worry when people don't join in. Believers follow their teachings, enact their agendas, make them powerful, give them money, keep them afloat. Atheism puts a big wrench in that whole system because it doesn't buy into religious dogma.

When an atheist turns believer it just means that person decided to believe in god. There's no significance beyond it. It's not a win for anyone because atheists aren't in a competition with religion, they just don't believe in god.


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