What Would Convince an Atheist That There Is a God

What would convince an atheist that there is a god? Verifiable proof, which means tangible, measurable evidence, something like:
  • Being able to see and see, touch, and talk to the god in front of a group of atheists and people who have no interest in proving its existence.
  • Having science conclusively confirm there is a god, which means multiple studies, verifiable data, and the vast majority of scientists agreeing on the finding.
We use our senses and scientific knowledge to prove everything we know about the universe yet, for some reason, religious people say we can't do that for a god? Why the exception? Why do we trust our senses and scientific knowledge for everything else but a god?

If you have to make an exception to everything you know about the universe, on faith, without verifiable evidence, then perhaps that means that thing simply doesn't exist.

As atheists, we are willing to believe in a god, when we're presented with sound proof, just like with everything else in our lives.


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