Why Atheists Shouldn't Argue with Religious People

Atheists shouldn't argue with religious people because there is really nothing to be gained by either side. That's because both sides come from entirely different parts of the universe: The religious side believes in a supernatural being that runs everything, atheists don't.

The only time atheists might want to engage with religious people on the topic of god is when the religious person is questioning their own faith and wants more information about atheism. Then it might be appropriate to just talk about what atheism is.

The great thing about atheism is that you don't have to prove anything to anyone or convert anyone. All atheism is is a lack of belief in the existence of god. It shouldn't be a difficult concept to grasp, but religious people have a hard time understanding that someone doesn't believe in their god (even though they don't believe in other gods). Don't worry about it, you're a great person as is, you don't need extra arguments. This isn't to say you shouldn't state your views, it's just not productive to argue at length with people whose minds are already made up.


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