You Can't Argue with Religious People Because Their Minds Are Already Made Up

You can't argue with religious people because their minds are already made up. This is something we've found time and again when trying to ask religious people questions. For example: an atheist will ask a question and a religious person will automatically become defensive and start regurgitating what their religion has told them to say. Often missing is independent or critical thought, all we get is a repetition of religious doctrine. This happens because there is a lot at stake for religious people if they don't follow the teachings of their religion: they can lose their family, friends, social network, business connections, reason for being, source of meaning, and place of comfort and solace. And that's why you can't argue with religious people, they simply have too much invested in their beliefs. Unless a religious person is questioning his/her faith, you will never get through to them.

Religion does an excellent job of programming its followers. It's a system set up to put misinformation into people's heads and control what they do from the time they are children until death. For atheists, it's a glaring example of propaganda and brainwashing. For those in it, it's a way of life, it's all they know. To make matters worse, believers have been told by their religions that only their god knows the real truth and that they should not listen to any outside information. There's a saying along the lines of, "Every other religion is a cult except mine," which illustrates how even religious people recognize the cult-like aspects of other faiths but don't apply it to their own.

When all you've known in life is the teachings of an organization that wants to keep you under control and dependent, then you'll defend that system, no matter how irrational, because you are under their control. It's only when people are able to leave the system and see it from the outside that they realize what was really going on. It takes a lot of courage to leave a religion, but those who do realize that there's so much more to life than following blindly.


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