
Showing posts from September, 2017

Why Are Atheists So Angry

Why are atheists so angry? This is a common question religious people ask about people who don't believe in god. Implicit in this question is that atheists have no reason to be angry because religions never do anything to bother non-believers. Religion has been such a dominant force in society that religious people often have no comprehension of what it's like to be in the non-dominant group. Here are some of the things religions do that make atheists uncomfortable and even angry: Some religions say that anyone who doesn't believe in their doctrines will burn eternally. Some religions actively tell their followers that atheists aren't to be trusted. Some religions say that atheists are immoral and depraved. Some religions are set up to indoctrinate and retain as many followers as possible, it's a threat to their very existence if people don't believe in their god; they have a lot to lose, so they try to discredit non-believers. Some religions don't h...

What Is Atheism

There's a lot of confusion over what is atheism so let's put this all to rest with a simple definition. Atheism = The absence of belief in a god or gods. Did you notice how there's no complicated talk about morals, values, lifestyle, dogma, or doctrine? That's because atheism is simply the lack of belief in god or gods. There's nothing else to it. It doesn't make you a better or worse person than anyone else, you're just a bloke who doesn't believe all the claims about gods.

It's Okay to Be an Atheist

In spite of what most religions and religious people might say, it's okay to be an atheist. There's absolutely nothing wrong with not believing in a god or gods. Then why is there a stigma against atheists? In an ideal world, it would be normal not to believe in a god. We would learn about the universe through science, use our brains to make decisions, value life here on Earth, and we'd all let each other do our thing. Unfortunately, organized religions have control much of the social narrative because they have a lot to lose if people don't believe in what they profess. Religions have self-appointed themselves exclusive distributors of comfort about death and moral righteousness. They've convinced millions, if not billions, of people that someone who doesn't believe in god has no way of dealing with death or morality. Atheists scare religious people because we remind them of the finality of death. They wonder deep inside whether death really is the end ...

Why Is There So Much Misinformation about Atheism?

Why is there so much misinformation about atheism? Because there are powerful religions that don't like the idea that there are people who don't believe in their doctrines and who can't be controlled by them. Religions are set up to control their followers and tell them what to believe. It's been going on like that since religions were developed. You have to believe in the religions teachings and god or gods or something bad will happen. Atheists don't believe in all of that. They believe there are no gods. So, naturally religious people or people who have a vested interested in a particular religion, especially people who make money from it, are threatened by someone who might topple their house of cards. There's a lot of misinformation about atheists and atheism because there are powerful people and organizations who stand to lose. That's all there is to it.

Atheist Meaning

A lot of people, especially people who practice a religion, have a vested interest in making sure other people don't know what being an atheist is. So, here's a the meaning of being an atheist: An atheist is a person who doesn't believe in a god or gods. The meaning of being an atheist is just that you're a person who doesn't believe when people say there is a god. That's it! There's nothing else to it. No complicated explanations about theory, doctrine, dogma, or propaganda, just a person who doesn't believe in god.

Atheist Beliefs and Practices

There are no uniform atheist beliefs and practices because atheism is just the lack of belief in god or gods. People have been misled into thinking atheism is a religion or an organized group when it's not at all. This misinformation has been disseminated and perpetuated by religions because they only seem to be able to view the world from an "us vs. them" perspective, which makes it necessary for them to label and classify their "opponents". Thus, atheism is labeled some kind of rival religion with beliefs and practices when it really has none. There are no universal atheist beliefs and practices because atheism isn't a church or religion, it's just the lack of belief in god or gods. Look up the word in a dictionary sometime. No matter how many times we try to explain this to religious people, they just don't seem to get the concept that we're just people who don't believe in god. Atheists aren't a single unified group. We each follo...

Atheists Don't Believe in God Because There's No Proof

Atheists don't believe in god because there's no proof. This statement really bothers religious people, whose entire sense of self and meaning is wrapped up in their faith, but it's just a statement of fact. Religions have never been able to prove the existence of god. Think about it, here's the type of proof they offer: It's Written in a Book It's written in a book, that was written by people who were trying to convince others that there stories were true without any evidence. It's like if we said, "Jane told us that her great grandmother 100 times removed met a guy who talked to another guy who said a group of people saw a fluorescent space cabbage, and it was god. The story is written down in this book, so it must be true." Notice how there is no evidence provided whatsoever. You Have to Have Faith When atheists ask for observable, measurable, tangible, verifiable proof of a god the answer is often, "Well, you have to have fait...

What Is Atheism All About

What is atheism all about? It's about not believing in a god or gods. Many religions and religious people try to make atheism into something it's not or confuse people about what it really is. Here is what atheism is: The lack of belief in a god or gods. That's all there is to it. There are all kinds of people who are atheists from all walks of life. The believe in a wide variety of things and come from many backgrounds. They live all over he world. The one thing they have in common is that they don't believe in god, mainly because nobody has yet demonstrated that a god exists through independently verifiable evidence. Atheism isn't some religion, or organized group, or belief system. It's just disbelief in god or gods. If you wanted to become an atheist you could do so right now by simply not believing in god. So, the next time someone asks you what atheism is all about, now you know what to tell them.

Why Do People Distrust Atheists?

Why do people distrust atheists? Because of religion. Religions have done a great job of convincing people that the only path to morality is through them and if you don't follow their teachings there's no way of being a moral person. That's why religious people constantly ask us how we, as atheists, can be moral without following a god. The answer is simple: Because we're thinking beings who are able to arrive at moral decisions on our own. Our particular group of atheists is made up of a variety of people from all kinds of socio-economic, cultural, ethnic, educational, and professional backgrounds. We're all atheists and we all believe in treating other people well and doing what we can to leave the world a better place for future generations. We behave with kindness and empathy, help people in need, and instill positive values in our children. We just do it without religion. Religions have convinced many societies that we need them in order to be moral people ...

The Atheist View of Death

Religious people can't believe the atheist view of death, which is that we just die, cease to exist. This is a concept that is beyond the scope of understanding of most religions because they've all devised some magical place where you go after death and they promise their followers that they'll go there if they just do everything they're told and give the religion some money. The only scientific evidence we have is that when we die our bodies cease to exist. Our brains and bodies shut down. We become an inert mass. This is one of the hardest concepts for human beings to grasp, the idea that we won't be alive one day. Atheists don't generally love the fact that they're going to die, it can be really scary, but that doesn't mean they need to make up some story about where they'll go when they die. Instead, atheists cherish the current life they have because it's the only one they'll ever have. They live life to its fullest and generally do...

Atheism and Science

A lot of religious people are freaked out about atheists and science. The perplexing thing is that religious people use science every day to make all kinds of decisions: They use phones invented by science; live in homes made safer by science; drive cars made possible by science; watch weather reports based on science; go to doctors trained in science; take medicines developed by science; but when it comes to their god, science goes out the window. Because atheists don't believe in god, they're free to use their brains to explore the universe. Science has proven to be the single most reliable way for people to gain knowledge about the world around them. Atheists don't have to rely on supernatural beings to tell them about the world, they use their senses and available scientific knowledge. There have been millions of scientific studies published about huge numbers of topics, all of which are available to any person who wants to learn. As atheists, we sometimes ask ourse...

Atheism – What Everyone Needs to Know

There's a lot of confusion about atheism out there so here's what everyone needs to know to understand it. First, a definition: Atheism is the lack of belief in a god or gods. Now that you know what atheism is, here are some things you might find interesting: Atheism is not a religion. Atheism has no belief system. Atheism doesn't try to convert people. Atheists are people from all walks of life in all countries. You can find the definition of atheism in any dictionary. Atheists aren't a cult or organization. Atheists have no church. Atheists tend to value reason and critical thinking. Many atheists are former believers or grew up in religious households. Atheists tend to value scientific inquiry. Atheists tend to be skeptics. Atheists don't believe in a god or gods because of lack of impartial verifiable evidence. Many atheists have to go underground because there is so much prejudice and lack of information about what atheism really is. Religions t...

Atheism Destroyed

There's quite a few "Atheism Destroyed" videos online and they all present unconvincing and evidence-free arguments about why atheism is wrong or not true. Religious people have a vested interest in trying to discredit atheism because they see it as a threat to their belief system. It's as if a business saw some competitor taking away some of their customers and reacted by trying to destroy the their competitor. The fact is that you can't destroy atheism because it's not a church, belief system, organization, or group, it's just the idea that god doesn't exist. That's right: Atheism is simply a word you can find in a dictionary that means disbelief in a god or gods. You can't destroy it because there's nothing to destroy. It would be like someone saying, "I like coffee," and us saying, "No you don't," and then claiming victory. It makes no sense. Religious people are constantly trying to defeat atheists but, even...

Atheism Core Beliefs

Religious people often ask about atheism core beliefs. The fact is that there are no atheist core beliefs because atheism isn't a belief system, it's just the lack of belief in a god or gods. If we said that we don't believe in space monsters, religious people wouldn't ask us what our belief system is, they would just understand we don't believe in space monsters. The same is true for gods, we don't believe there are any because we haven't been presented any scientifically reliable evidence to change our minds, just like space monsters. The personal beliefs of atheists vary widely. Our particular group of friends believes in all kinds of nice things including helping others, treating other people with kindness, behaving with empathy, taking care of the planet, helping those in need, loving our families and friends, and doing things that leave a better world for our children. None of this has anything to do with atheism, it's just that we're nice pe...

Atheism Cures Religious Terrorism

We've seen "Atheism Cures Religious Terrorism" bumper stickers from time to time and the idea rings true to us because, sadly, a lot of violence, terror, pain, and injustice is caused by religion. For example, some religious beliefs cause human beings to do these types of things: Hate others who don't believe what they do. Demonize gay people and other groups. Fail to listen to reason, evidence, or facts. Believe in supernatural beings. Believe in science in every part of their lives except for when it comes to god. Wage war over beliefs. Events like the Inquisition. Keep women down. Shun people who have left the religion, even their own children. Hit their kids because it's "in the holy book." Behave with intolerance and bigotry. Tell people to commit terrorist acts in the name of a god. Asks people to not think too much or question anything. Demand blind faith and fealty from their followers, threaten them with eternal damnation if they...

Is Atheism True?

Is atheism true? This is a strange question that religious people ask about atheism because they may not realize it's not a belief system like their religion. Atheism is simply a word that means a lack of belief in god or gods. There's nothing more to it. To ask whether atheism is true is like asking whether any other word in a dictionary is true. Is an apple true? Is a building true? Is religion true? Yes, they're all actual things. Atheism is just a word that means you don't believe in god. The reason religious people ask this type of question is because they have so much invested in their belief system. What if it's wrong? What if they've been living a lie? What if there is no god? That's a lot to handle. When you have that much at stake in religion, it's really scary to have someone come along and tell you they don't believe it. Religions exist because people have bought into their stories. So, to conclude, is atheism true? Yes. It's a ...

Atheist Arguments Against God

There's a lot of talk online by religious people trying to defeat atheist arguments against god. This is really a waste of time because there's really nothing to argue. The atheist argument against god is that we don't believe in a god or gods until they are proven to exist. There's nothing else to it. Religions and religious people feel they have to fight back against atheists because the religious mindset is such that it doesn't allow questioning of their doctrine or any type of skepticism; you either believe it or you're an infidel. This sets up a terrible situation where they feel they have to destroy anyone who doesn't believe what they do, including other religions, countries, atheists, and other non-believers. This "chosen people" or "us vs. them" mentality creates a lot of conflict in the world. Atheists simply don't accept god claims. We just haven't been presented any convincing evidence of the existence of any god. ...

Atheism Explained

Atheism explained by atheists, what a great concept! Here's our explanation: Atheism is the lack of belief in a god or gods. It's a single answer to a single question, "Is there a god?" We say, "No." This is a major source of discomfort for religions and religious people who have everything invested in believing in their particular god or gods. Atheists just say, "We don't believe in gods," and it drives religious people crazy because, if there is no god or gods, then they've wasted their entire lives believing something that doesn't even exist.  Atheists don't have to worry about that. We simply don't believe god exists. That's it. We can then move on with our lives and enjoy our time on earth instead of trying to make stuff up about supernatural beings that control everything. The atheist world is full of wonder and discovery because we're open to going wherever the evidence leads us and enjoying the ride.

Are Atheists Smarter Than Believers?

Are atheists smarter than believers? We wonder if this is even a question that matters at all. As atheists, we're only concerned with getting to the truth. We follow the evidence where it goes and value the ability of human beings to think critically. We try to use our brains to help people and make the world better. There have been a few studies trying to determine whether atheists are smarter than religious people but we're not that interested in them, although the studies seem to show atheists may be smarter. Our concern is that the "us vs. them" argument is always about making someone lose. Why do that at all? Why can't we just celebrate the idea that human beings have an amazing capability to explore the world around them and keep learning new things. Why limit our thinking because of a religion? Why be afraid of new ideas?  What we can say is that the atheists we know tend to be skeptics. They question claims and like to explore the universe. They do...

Atheism Debunked

If you look online you'll find quite a few videos and articles saying they've debunked atheism. The weird thing about all these people is that they all seem to be religious and have a vested interest in keeping their religion going. Saying something like "atheism debunked" is an oxymoron because there's nothing to debunk. Atheism is simply a disbelief in a god or gods. There's nothing more to it. Religions want you to believe that they're debunking atheism because they think it gives them more credibility. The line of reasoning says that if they can disprove something else, it somehow proves their claims of a god. Atheists aren't trying to disprove anything, they're just saying they don't believe in god. You can't debunk atheism because it's not debunkable. It's just a word that means a lack of belief in god. Look it up in any dictionary. There's nothing to disprove.

Is Atheism a Religion?

Is atheism a religion? No. Religions try to define atheism as a religion because they come from a religious point of view and have to defend their particular god. Atheism is not a religion, it's the lack of belief in god or gods. The reason religions want to make it seem like a religion or belief system is so they can attack it like they attack all the other religions they compete with. Have you ever noticed that each religion thinks it has the only path to the truth? Atheism makes no such claims, it just says there's no god. If you think about it, you can't possibly have a religion without a god so how on earth could atheism be a religion? It isn't. Religious people will try to tell you atheism is a religion so they can put it down like they put down every other religion but their own. Don't worry about these arguments, you'll know that atheism isn't a religion at all.

Atheism Definition

A lot of people make the definition of atheism far more difficult than it needs to be. Here is a basic atheism definition: The lack of belief in a god or gods. It doesn't mean anything more than that. Religions and religious people have a vested interest in muddying the waters and telling their followers incredibly complex and negative definitions of atheism because their very existence depends on it, and there's a lot of money and power behind religion. The simple fact is that atheism isn't a belief system, code of conduct, or morality system, it's just an answer to the question, "Is there a god?" and, for atheists, the answer is no. So, the next time someone tries to confuse you with complicated arguments about the definition of atheism, you'll know that all it means is that you don't believe in a god or gods.

Atheism and Morality Are Not Compatible

Let's put the "atheism and morality are not compatible" myth to rest. Atheists are as moral and immoral as any other group. Religious people like to pretend that atheism is a belief system when it is only a single answer to a single question: Is there a god? The definition of atheism is the absence of belief in a god or gods. There's nothing more to it. It has nothing to do with morality. Humans are easily capable of making moral decisions without a god. Most of the atheists we know are upstanding, moral people, they believe in being kind to others and trying to make the world better for everyone. They just don't believe in god. Religious people act like human beings don't have the intelligence to behave morally without some supernatural being telling them what to do. It's been shown time and again that humans can make complex moral decisions without a god. And don't even get us started on all the deeply immoral and amoral decisions made by people wh...

Resources for Atheists

Here is a list of resources for atheist or people who are interested in atheism: American Atheists: Free Atheism: Atheist Republic: The Skeptic's Annotated Bible: Atheist Alliance International: R/Atheism on Reddit: Richard Dawkins Foundation Friendly Atheist: Atheists for Human Rights: The Skeptic's Dictionary: The Atheist Experience: The Secular Web Center for Inquiry: Atheist Sites Directory: American Humanist ...

Are You Thinking about Becoming an Atheist?

Are you thinking about being an atheist? Quite a few of us come from religious backgrounds and it's not always easy to let everyone know you're an atheist. Here are some things to keep in mind: You might lose contact with family members, especially those who are completely enmeshed in religion. No person's negative reaction is a reflection on who you are as a human being. Just because you don't believe in a god, doesn't mean there's anything wrong with you. Remember that religion gets in people's heads and convinces them that leaving the religion is some kind of sin. They'll want to label you as such, but you're just you. People worry they'll go to hell if they leave. We recommend going to therapy to unravel all the myths placed there by religion and address fears about mortality. By moving away from religion you get to be the person you really are and follow your dreams. Be conscious that even the people closest to you might have difficu...

Why Atheists Shouldn't Argue with Religious People

Atheists shouldn't argue with religious people because there is really nothing to be gained by either side. That's because both sides come from entirely different parts of the universe: The religious side believes in a supernatural being that runs everything, atheists don't. The only time atheists might want to engage with religious people on the topic of god is when the religious person is questioning their own faith and wants more information about atheism. Then it might be appropriate to just talk about what atheism is. The great thing about atheism is that you don't have to prove anything to anyone or convert anyone. All atheism is is a lack of belief in the existence of god. It shouldn't be a difficult concept to grasp, but religious people have a hard time understanding that someone doesn't believe in their god (even though they don't believe in other gods). Don't worry about it, you're a great person as is, you don't need extra argumen...

How to Tell If You're an Athest

How to tell if you're an atheist? Ask yourself whether you believe in god. If you don't, you're an atheist, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with it. Religions have spent a lot of energy to convince people like you that something bad will happen if you don't believe in a particular god, or that you're a horrible person if you don't believe, but you're not. You're just a person who doesn't believe in a particular god. Besides, what kind of group teaches this kind of scary stuff? Most religious people don't believe in other religions' gods, that makes them atheists about those gods. When you're an atheist, you're not any different than anyone else. You're actually able to discover who you really are and live life free from other people telling you what to do. You can make your own decisions and follow your dreams without a supernatural creature telling you what to do. You can follow your own voice. You get to be the great ...

Religious People Are Atheists Too

Religious people are atheists too. Yes, you read that correctly. Think about it: Religious people tend to believe in their own god or gods, but not in the gods of other religions. That makes them atheists when it comes to other gods. When you don't believe in a god, you're an atheist as to that god. Atheism is simply the lack of belief in a god or gods. For example: Do you believe in the Viking god Thor? If not, you're an atheist about Thor. Do you believe in Zeus? If not, you're an atheist about Zeus. Religious people get scared when someone says they don't believe in their god because they have so much invested in believing, but atheists are simply not believing in their god. That's it.

How to Design a Controlling Religion

As atheists, religions look like organizations set up to control followers and gain financial reward and power from them. If we wanted to set up a controlling religion, here's what we would do: Tell our followers they don't have to think for themselves, we'll make their lives easier by thinking for them. Tell our followers that we have all the answers and that they don't have to worry about all the difficult questions in life. Make up a story about what happens after death and tell our followers that we hold the key to whether they go to a nice place or a horrific one. Tell our followers they are sinners and that we just happen to have the cure for it: morality. Tell our followers they are nothing without our religion. Ask our followers to not worry about any contradictions in what we teach because our god has a plan for everything. Tell our followers to believe things with no evidence, because our god is so powerful and mysterious we couldn't possibly know...

Stories of Atheists Turned Believers

Religious people sometimes use stories about atheists turned believers to prove there is a god. All it really proves is that a person decided to believe in god. It has no effect on atheism. Atheism is simply the lack of belief in god or gods. There's nothing else to it. Nothing scary or horrible. Nothing weird. It just means a person doesn't believe in the existence of god. Religions have a vested interest in keeping people as believers in god, so they worry when people don't join in. Believers follow their teachings, enact their agendas, make them powerful, give them money, keep them afloat. Atheism puts a big wrench in that whole system because it doesn't buy into religious dogma. When an atheist turns believer it just means that person decided to believe in god. There's no significance beyond it. It's not a win for anyone because atheists aren't in a competition with religion, they just don't believe in god.

You Can't Argue with Religious People Because Their Minds Are Already Made Up

You can't argue with religious people because their minds are already made up. This is something we've found time and again when trying to ask religious people questions. For example: an atheist will ask a question and a religious person will automatically become defensive and start regurgitating what their religion has told them to say. Often missing is independent or critical thought, all we get is a repetition of religious doctrine. This happens because there is a lot at stake for religious people if they don't follow the teachings of their religion: they can lose their family, friends, social network, business connections, reason for being, source of meaning, and place of comfort and solace. And that's why you can't argue with religious people, they simply have too much invested in their beliefs. Unless a religious person is questioning his/her faith, you will never get through to them. Religion does an excellent job of programming its followers. It's a sy...